John Aldworth has been a bible student for more than 40  years. Today he is still  being shown new and higher truth from God's word.


DAY OF CHRIST, when “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:10). How exciting is that? This soon coming day is one of huge and wonderful change. The Lord will rule from heaven and fill earth with his glory It is when Jesus Christ the man is revealed in his full glory as “the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13). And the:

APPEARING of our Lord Jesus Christ in glory, the very next event on God’s dispensational calendar. You see, it’s not the rapture we should be looking for right now - that comes later - but the “... appearing of our great God and Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ” (Titus 2.11).

On this website you will find Bible studies exploring various aspects of the Day of Christ, the next big event on God’s programme, referenced seven times in Paul’s epistles and also described in many Old Testament scriptures.

There are also articles addressing our Lord’s appearing (see Titus 2:11, 2 Tim. 4:1, Col. 3:3-4) and others on dispensationalism, God’s all sufficient grace and the mystery. You may freely download any or all, but if you republish in any form then please acknowledge the source. As Bible students we seek to "rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15).


by John Dudley Aldworth

  1. FORBIDDEN HISTORY - This book is dedicated to those ancient peoples of New Zealand who, though from different races, lived in peace here for over 1,000 years before the arrival of the Maori people.
  2. NOAH'S LAND - If Noah did found the nation now called New Zealand, then all New Zealanders can find a common heritage in him. For, according to ancient history, we are all descended from ‘one man’s blood’ - that of Noah.
  3. MIRACLE IN THE DARK - Through near-death trauma, millions each year find themselves in a very real afterlife. Yet they return, this book asserts, having failed to grasp two important lessons the experience has to teach. They are truth about what happens after death that everybody needs to know.
  4. THE GLORY OF HIS DAY-A new age is about to dawn. Will it see God wreak his wrath on the world or bring in a wonderful tomorrow? The answer may lie in a bible phrase ignored and forgotten today but that presages a time of God's greatest blessing.
These books are available online as e-books and printed copies through major global books distributors, and in New Zealand can be bought direct from the author







THE GENTILE JESUS by John Dudley Aldworth

05/08/2012 10:13
Unlocking the Mystery and the Dispensation of Grace – God’s vital message for the church today. WHAT REVIEWERS SAY: ‘It’s a joy to read of your stand for grace truth” –Richard Jordan, Pastor Shorewood Bible Church, Chicago, Principal Grace Bible School. “In 40 years of studying...


If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words … (1 Timothy 6:3)

WHOLESOME WORDS are God’s good news to us in our time. They cut through the confusion rife among Christians today and give life. We seek to present these words spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ through the Apostle Paul in a simple understanding gained from studying and ‘rightly dividing the word of truth’ (2 Tim. 2:15) and ‘comparing spiritual (words) with spiritual’ (1 Cor. 2:13).

We encourage all to take Paul’s advice and ‘…hold fast to the form of sound words (wholesome words), which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus’. Why? Because so many have let them go and, because without them we are like a rudderless ship blown about ‘by every wind of doctrine’.

Importantly, these ‘wholesome words’ are found all through Paul’s letters written from prison, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, the pastoral epistles and Philemon. They are vital to knowing what is God is doing now and what He will do next.




03/09/2012 09:36
The book, The Gentile Jesus, by John Dudley Aldworth, has won praise in a review published in...

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03/07/2012 04:21
Do you have any spiritual questions you've been searching for answers for? Please contact us.


03/07/2012 04:20
The latest edition of the podcast of John Aldworth's weekly radio show, 'Nothing But The...
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